Parent/Guardian trainings are provided to all the families of our learners.


Parent/Guardian training is provided to all the families of our learners. Parent/Guardian training helps you understand your child's communication preferences, provides you with the techniques to work with your child, answers your questions, and keeps you informed about your child's progress.

Our Parent/Guardian training will help you gain the skills and knowledge you need to:

  • Be a supportive parent
  • Be an effective parent advocate
  • Help improve communication
  • Recognize difficulties in your child's communication and learning
  • Keep in touch with professionals for an accurate perspective
  • Receive support and help

They are provided every month. During this training, the Clinical Supervisor and guardian will meet and discuss the following:

  • Learner's process in the clinic, home, and community
  • Behavior intervention training 
  • Observations
  • Any topics that need to be discussed to ensure effective service to the learner