Common FAQ

How can ABA help?

ABA is a collection of rules derived from the study of behavior. It's important to note that "behavior" encompasses a wide range of possibilities, not only bad habits. Applied behavior analysis (ABA) can improve functional skills or reduce challenging behaviors. ABA can be used to improve a wide variety of behaviors, such as those related to communication, socialization, academic performance, and more.


Aggression, damage to personal property, and self-injury are just some of the behaviors that ABA has been shown to help reduce. In therapy, the focus is placed on improving socially relevant behaviors. Aggression, for instance, is commonly considered a socially significant behavior since it can have a negative effect on a child's peer connections and overall quality of life at school.


Positive reinforcement is a central tenet of applied behavior analysis (ABA) for altering undesirable behaviors. By rewarding a child after they have successfully completed a task, or using positive reinforcement, you can enhance the likelihood that they will repeat the behavior in the future.


The American Psychological Association (APA) endorses Applied Behavior Analysis as a recommended practice supported by scientific evidence. This signifies that ABA's quality and efficacy as a treatment have been demonstrated through scientific testing. In fact, if you decide to have your child participate in ABA therapy, your service provider will regularly collect and analyze data to make sure that the techniques being employed are productive.


Continuous data collection is a vital component of any ABA treatment program. As ABA is often delivered in a highly hands-on fashion, your service provider may ask you to collect data, take part in the development of strategies, or even implement them yourself. You, as a parent, spend more time than anyone else with your child, so it only makes sense that if you're well-versed in ABA concepts and consistently apply them, your child would benefit.


Any competent behavior analyst will make every effort to incorporate parent training into the overall therapy strategy. For children of varying ages and conditions, Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) can be an effective tool for promoting positive behavioral changes.


What are the signs of Autism?

Common signs of autism in adults include:

  • difficulty interpreting the emotional states of others
  • developing severe social anxiety
  • lack of social skills or a desire for solitude
  • misrepresenting oneself and coming off as blunt, unpleasant, or uninterested in others
  • difficulty expressing your emotions
  • being incapable of recognizing irony or the satirical nature of statements like "break a leg"
  • having a set schedule and feeling panicked when a shift is made
  • misunderstanding social norms, such as avoiding interrupting others or looking at other people directly in the eyes
  • touching other people or getting highly offended if they touch you
  • being able to pick up on nuances that others miss
  • having a very great interest in particular subjects or activities
  • favoring methodical preparation before taking action


When is a good time to start ABA therapy?

Starting Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) therapy as soon as possible after an autism diagnosis is crucial to get the most out of your child's treatment. Numerous critical factors increase the efficacy of any ABA therapy program when it is implemented at an early age.


What are the benefits of starting ABA therapy early?


The research shows that early intervention can help children with their overall development. This is due to the fact that repeated exposure to positive reinforcement can cause behaviors to become more stable over time. Without a behavior plan in place, a child who displays difficult behaviors regularly may receive unintended reinforcement, increasing the risk that they will become  more frequent over time.


There are several advantages to beginning ABA treatment as soon as possible; nonetheless, there is never a time where it is too late. Behavior Analysts analyze a wide range of variables while developing an ABA curriculum specifically tailored to each student's needs.


While "earlier is better," ABA therapy's emphasis on individualization means it can assist many learners at a wide range of stages of development.


What does ABA therapy look like?

Different individuals will require different ABA treatment plans. A board-certified behavior analyst (BCBA) formulates individualized plans after gathering information on the autistic person's strengths, weaknesses, preferences, interests, obstacles, and family dynamics.


The BCBA will utilize the data to formulate treatment objectives and strategies. A qualified specialist, such as a registered behavior technician (RBT) or a board-certified assistant behavior analyst (BCaBA), then implements this strategy. The BCBA will provide direction to this individual, who will typically be the one to lead therapy sessions.


The BCBA collaborates with their care team to determine a treatment objective and then develop a plan to achieve that objective through a series of smaller objectives. To illustrate, the following steps might be used to teach someone how to properly wash their hands:


  • Turning on the faucet
  • Wetting hands
  • Picking up the soap
  • Lathering hands
  • Rinsing hands
  • Turning off the faucet
  • Drying hands with a towel


When an action is successfully completed, a reinforcement, such as a reward or a naturally occurring reinforcer, is given. Praise, a new toy or book, or even just a few extra minutes of TV time are just a few examples of the many different kinds of rewards that can be used. Practitioners of ABA primarily employ the use of positive reinforcement and repetition. Never use punishment as a means to coerce someone into doing what you want them to do.


Each therapy session acts as a data collection point for the whole treatment. The therapist schedules frequent check-ins with loved ones to share updates on the patient's development. The ABA therapist might make changes to the treatment plan if the patient is not making progress.